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Get Firefox!
Mozilla Firefox is the best web browser available. It's free, pages load faster, it's easier to use and it doesn't have the bloat that Internet Explorer does. It also is very well thought out with lots of great features. Add to that the fact that it will generally display display web pages as the web designer intended, not always the case with other browsers.
So, if you notice that some websites you visit have things that seem out of place, try Firefox. You will most likely be pleasantly surprised. As a web coder, I am continually frustrated by Internet Explorer. I have to put in place all kinds of weird workarounds just so pages will display correctly in Internet Explorer. Firefox interprets HTML markup correctly in every case.
There are too many reasons why you should use Firefox to list here. Just try it. You won't go back to another browser.
Firefox is also the safest browser.
So, download and install Firefox now. It's easy and you'll be glad you did!